Trinity College Dublin

College Green, Dublin 2, Co. Dublin, Ireland
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Pass through the iconic arched doorway at College Green and enter the elegant quads, handsome architecture and verdant lawns of Trinity College, one of Ireland‘s most prestigious universities. Among its many attributes is the atmospheric 18th-century Old Library, whose most precious tome is the 1,200-year-old Book of Kells, a priceless illuminated manuscript. Also worth a visit are the college’s Douglas Hyde Gallery, devoted to contemporary art, and the thought-provoking Science Gallery.

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Trinity College

Pass through the iconic arched doorway at College Green and enter the elegant quads, handsome architecture and verdant lawns of Trinity College, one of Ireland‘s most prestigious universities. Among its many attributes is the atmospheric 18th-century Old Library, whose most precious tome is the 1,200-year-old Book of Kells, a priceless illuminated manuscript. Also worth a visit are the college’s Douglas Hyde Gallery, devoted to contemporary art, and the thought-provoking Science Gallery.

The Book of Kells: Turning Darkness Into Light

The Book of Kells is an illustrated Latin manuscript of the four Gospels, probably written in the early ninth century. It’s on display, along with other beautifully ornate manuscripts, in the Old Library of Trinity College, Dublin. The display is preceded by an exhibition called “Turning Darkness Into Light”, which introduces the Book of Kells and other ancient religious manuscripts such as the Book of Mulling and the Book of Armagh. The exhibition describes how such books were produced, and explains their significance and symbolism. It provides insight into the lives of the scribes and illustrators, even reproducing some of their poetry! It is incredibly humbling and awe-inspiring to view such lavish books from over 1,000 years ago, especially in our age of digital ephemera. Upstairs, the main chamber of the Old Library - the Long Room - is also open to visitors, and is included in the price of the ticket (~10 euros). This imposing 65 meter-long room houses around 200,000 of the library’s oldest books, stacked floor to ceiling, and is thick with the scent of history and learning. Thirty-eight marble busts of classical and early modern luminaries line the room, and there are central exhibits of further rare manuscripts, clay tablets, pigments, and other material related to writing. (As well as Ireland‘s oldest harp!) You may have to queue to enter the exhibition, but the line moves quickly, and it’s a fascinating look back at the history of the written word.

Trinity College

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Trinity Wicket

A swing and a miss. Luckily my brother-in-law Miles taught me the rules while I was in South Africa this last December. This bowler actually hit the wickets on this bowl but I don’t have the battery that lets me take hundreds of photos per second so this is all you get.

The Old Library

Trinity College is a lovely spot to take a stroll threw in the heart of D2. A visit to the Book of Kells & Old Library shouldn’t be missed. It’s wise to visit when it first opens due to a queue miles upon miles long. It’s worth visit the Book of Kells cos each day they change the page of each of the four books that they have on display. Smelling the old books is heavenly in the Old Library. It’s worth your time to check out this national treasure!

amazing history and art

See the Book of Kells

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