While driving through Meteora, made famous for the monasteries perched delicately atop giant pinnacles of rock, you may notice many climbers affixed to sides of cliffs. Meteora is actually one of the best rock climbing spots in Europe, and even if you’re not a skilled climber, you can opt for a climbing tour with a guide. On the other hand, if you are experienced, there are about 670 routes around Meteora for you to explore. Thanks to the soft nature of the stone, the quality of climbing is excellent.
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Rock Climbing in Meteora
While driving through Meteora, made famous for the monasteries perched delicately atop giant pinnacles of rock, you may notice many climbers affixed to sides of cliffs. Meteora is actually one of the best rock climbing spots in Europe, and even if you’re not a skilled climber, you can opt for a climbing tour with a guide. On the other hand, if you are experienced, there are about 670 routes around Meteora for you to explore. Thanks to the soft nature of the stone, the quality of climbing is excellent.
Meteora - holy Monastery
Le Rocher du Couvent de Varlaam. Au milieu du 14eme Siecle, l’ermite Varlaam est monte’ sur le rocher et a construit guelgues cellules et une petite chapelle gu’il a decliee aux Trois hierargues ...
Meteora, Greece
Driving from Athens to Thessalonikki. Going through Meteora was amazing, especially knowing that all the monastaries were hand built and all the materials for the building were brought up using a pulley and basket.