L’Atelier Renard has been making custom handbags for France’s elite for generations, using a technique that was originally created for horse saddles. Atelier Renard handcrafts elegant bags destined to become family heirlooms. Briefcases, handbags, evening bags, and luggage are custom-made for clients from across the globe. The prices are similar to famous international designer brands, but these bags are one of a kind. Choosing from an existing model, patrons can then customize every aspect of their bag, designing the form they need, selecting the leathers for inside and out, and choosing the hardware.
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L'Atelier Renard
L’Atelier Renard has been making custom handbags for France’s elite for generations, using a technique that was originally created for horse saddles. Atelier Renard handcrafts elegant bags destined to become family heirlooms. Briefcases, handbags, evening bags, and luggage are custom-made for clients from across the globe. The prices are similar to famous international designer brands, but these bags are one of a kind. Choosing from an existing model, patrons can then customize every aspect of their bag, designing the form they need, selecting the leathers for inside and out, and choosing the hardware.