For over five generations cigars have been made in Ybor City. The days of the huge cigar factories are pretty much gone, but the tradition of hand-rolled cigars and places to smoke them continues. King Corona Café and Bar is a warm, inviting and sweet smelling spot (if you like the smell of cigars like I do). Open early and closing late, King Corona’s is a gathering spot for cigar lovers to sit, read, chat, and enjoy a fine cigar while drinking a café con leche or café solo. A light menu, including the ubiquitous Cuban sandwich famous in the area, is served all day. The coffee menu holds a special treat in the “Café Corona"—an espresso with steamed milk topped of with their own caramel sauce that has just a touch of cayenne. Coffee with a kick! The shop offers a wide selection of cigars and accessories, books on the history of Ybor City and cigar culture, and Panama hats.