Along with leather items, paper is perhaps the most popular gift among travelers visiting Florence. While the tradition of creating marbled paper was once common throughout Europe, it lives on today only in Florence. You’ll find stores filled with sheets of this easy-to-pack souvenir as well as other paper products, often gilded and embossed. They have their appeal, without a doubt, but honestly some end up looking perhaps a little too Baroque once you arrive back home—more appropriate for a letter to a Medici than a thank-you note following a dinner party. Fabriano Boutique, on the other hand, is a paper store with products that are more contemporary; its journals are clean and simple or whimsical and its art and office supplies appealingly designed. Fabriano dates from 1264 and recently celebrated its 750th birthday—they know all about paper, but also keep up with the times. The company isn’t from Florence originally, but instead from the town of Fabriano. If you are looking, however, for paper products that have a cool Italian sense of style rather than announcing to the world that you fell under the spell of marbled papers while visiting Florence, Fabriano Boutique sells what you want.
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Today's Paper
Along with leather items, paper is perhaps the most popular gift among travelers visiting Florence. While the tradition of creating marbled paper was once common throughout Europe, it lives on today only in Florence. You’ll find stores filled with sheets of this easy-to-pack souvenir as well as other paper products, often gilded and embossed. They have their appeal, without a doubt, but honestly some end up looking perhaps a little too Baroque once you arrive back home—more appropriate for a letter to a Medici than a thank-you note following a dinner party. Fabriano Boutique, on the other hand, is a paper store with products that are more contemporary; its journals are clean and simple or whimsical and its art and office supplies appealingly designed. Fabriano dates from 1264 and recently celebrated its 750th birthday—they know all about paper, but also keep up with the times. The company isn’t from Florence originally, but instead from the town of Fabriano. If you are looking, however, for paper products that have a cool Italian sense of style rather than announcing to the world that you fell under the spell of marbled papers while visiting Florence, Fabriano Boutique sells what you want.