Dreupelkot (‘t)

Groentenmarkt 12, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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Jenever is a juniper flavored liquor from which gin evolved. Today it’s only made in the Netherlands and Belgium and is a strong and popular drink. While the straight stuff may be a bit harsh, jenever bars also feature a wide range of flavored shots from mango to vanilla and everything in between. In Ghent the place to go is ‘t Dreupelkot, run by the usualy grumpy proprieter Pol. The drink is served in tall shot glasses and is a great way to start an evening or just spend some time chatting with friends.

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This is Belgium: Drinking Jenever in Gent

It was in a small cozy pub in Gent that I finally understood what drinking jenever was all about. ‘t Dreupelkot, which is run by one jolly Santa Claus look-alike, distills a handful of the 200 jenever offerings on the menu, with some favorites selling out quickly: pineapple, pina colada (pineapple and coconut), and lemon. Of course, the gin-like spirit is the tasty highlight, but I think what people love about ‘t Dreupelkot is the consistency of great service, generous pours, and the relaxed vibe. I take visitors to Gent here often and each one leaves with a new found respect for Belgium’s national spirit. It isn’t far from one of the main squares, Groentenmarkt, so it’s standing room only at ‘t Dreupelkot. It’s customary to take your first sip at the bar before heading to your table to finish it, and then to ponder which jenver to try next. Cheers! Or as they say in Gent, Proost!

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