Lake Mary is as bike-friendly as a city can be. Throughout the day—especially on the weekends—locals and bikers from neighboring cities can be found out and about getting exercise or enjoying a leisurely and scenic ride. Alongside the bikers on the path are rollerbladers and walkers. The Lake Mary stretch of the Cross Seminole Trail is about four miles, and runs parallel to the residential Rinehart Road. Tip: A good place to park your bike and take a break is behind Panera or Peach Valley Cafe on International Parkway and Lake Mary Boulevard. This is also the prettiest portion of the trail, with pastoral scenery away from traffic.
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Bike-friendly Lake Mary
Lake Mary is as bike-friendly as a city can be. Throughout the day—especially on the weekends—locals and bikers from neighboring cities can be found out and about getting exercise or enjoying a leisurely and scenic ride. Alongside the bikers on the path are rollerbladers and walkers. The Lake Mary stretch of the Cross Seminole Trail is about four miles, and runs parallel to the residential Rinehart Road. Tip: A good place to park your bike and take a break is behind Panera or Peach Valley Cafe on International Parkway and Lake Mary Boulevard. This is also the prettiest portion of the trail, with pastoral scenery away from traffic.