When was the last time you used two-wheeled luggage? For me, it was about a month ago, but for most, it’s probably been a decade or so. I never came around to the four-wheeler trend. I’ve stuck with the same reliable red-and-white polka dot suitcase that I’ve dragged around the world (on its two wheels) for over a decade. I hate being stuck behind someone just leisurely strolling with their suitcase next to them, taking up double the space of someone pulling a suitcase behind them. Think of it this way: When you’re walking down a sidewalk in a crowded city, isn’t it annoying to see a group filling the sidewalk, side by side as if playing a game of Red Rover, rather than walking single file? Wheeling your suitcase to the side is no different.
Try as I might to make my case, I’ve been reminded (constantly) that this is an unpopular opinion: There’s a reason everyone uses a four-wheeled suitcase now (though no one seems to know what it is). Is it because four-wheeled (or spinner luggage) was created after two-wheeled luggage, so newer must be better? Or, for some, does pushing seem easier than pulling a bag? It’s growing harder and harder to find two-wheelers to buy. When I put my unpopular opinion to the test on an Afar Instagram Story, a flight attendant responded—and I was vindicated.
“As a flight attendant, I can definitely tell you that two wheels not only last way longer, but they also reduce stress on your shoulders and back,” wrote Zack G. I was intrigued. Could you elaborate, Zack? Turns out it’s not just my unpopular opinion. There’s science here.
A long-time flight attendant with major carriers, Zack is something of an expert when it comes to lugging a suitcase on and off planes. His first year, he used a four-wheeled bag. With a four-wheeled bag, you can push your luggage in front or to the side while keeping your elbow bent at an angle, or pull it behind you on two wheels. The ergonomic strain is disastrous, he says: “I eventually ended up using a compression sleeve for a condition my orthopedist called ‘suitcase elbow,’ more commonly known as ‘golfer’s elbow.’”
Suitcase. Elbow.
On top of that, Zack points out, four-wheeled bags are simply a logistical nightmare. Their tiny wheels, not even two inches high, often get stuck inside grooves in the pavement or caught on door thresholds (yanking your already painful suitcase elbow) and retain much more debris from the floor, often causing a jam. They also take up more space in certain types of overhead bins that are slanted in the back, and the wheels stick out, leaving the opportunity for more wear and tear. (The wheels on a two-wheeler are recessed, and the suitcase can be turned sideways to better fit the space.)
After a year of four-wheeled nonsense, Zack switched to a two-wheeled bag—a Travelpro flight crew two-wheeler—that he calls his “saving grace.” The wheels, more like a Rollerblade wheel and easily replaceable if necessary, have enough space to not jam with debris, and are tall enough to make it through a puddle without your bag getting wet. Most importantly, he’s no longer icing his wrist, shoulder, and arm every night: “The two-wheel design makes the luggage function like a shipping dolly or a lever. No matter how much weight I’m carrying, once I get the bag on two wheels gliding behind me, the work is effortless.”
Ergonomics? Check. Durability? Check. Ease-of-shoving-into-overhead-bin? Check. Two-wheeled luggage is the way to go. Flight attendants are professional travelers, and there’s a reason you rarely see them using four-wheeled bags: “If we did, we’d all be out with injuries.”
Convinced? Here are some two-wheelers from luggage brands we love:

Looking for the perfect carry-on? One flight attendant recommends purchasing one from luggage-brand Travelpro, like the Maxlite 5 International model pictured here.
Courtesy of Travelpro
Rollaboard Rolling Luggage by Travelpro
Buy now: from $145, travelpro.com
Zack’s personal choice? Travelpro is the go-to luggage brand for many flight attendants, so it’s no surprise he relies on a two-wheeler from the brand. His bag is five years old and only sold to flight crew, but similar, newer versions are available to travelers. We recommend the Maxlite 5 International Carry-On Rollaboard from the brand. It comes in four colorways and has a water-repellent and stain-resistant outer coating to keep your luggage looking great despite the wear and tear of international travel.

SteamLine’s vintage-inspired carry-ons are stylish, colorful, and two-wheeled.
Courtesy of SteamLine
The Entrepreneur Carry-On by SteamLine Luggage
Buy now: $580, steamlineluggage.com
Want something a little more colorful? All of SteamLine’s vintage-inspired carry-ons are two-wheelers and are available in a dozen different designs. The Entrepreneur line comes in four colorways: red with brown straps, pink with cream straps, navy with cream straps, and red with cream straps. We love how the red vegan leather exterior of the Entrepreneur pops against the brown straps and gold hardware.

Merrily roll along with Cotopaxi’s latest addition to its Allpa line of luggage.
Courtesy of Cotopaxi
Allpa 38L Roller Bag by Cotopaxi
Buy Now: $350, cotopaxi.com
For a more durable carry-on option, check out the Cotopaxi Allpa 38L Roller Bag. This Afar-approved bag has tons of zippered compartments so you can meticulously organize your clothes and smaller accessories. Its outer shell is coated in thermoplastic polyurethane, which makes the carry-on entirely waterproof. And its two wheels are equipped to tackle uneven terrain for seamless treks across any floor surface throughout your trip.
This article was originally published in 2021; it was updated on July 8, 2024, with new information.