I recently traveled with my wife to Kenya for the first time, to understand the impact of Tiffany & Co. donating all profits from the Tiffany Save the Wild Collection to the Wildlife Conservation Network. First we spent a few days at the Sera Rhino Sanctuary, East Africa’s first community-owned rhino conservation project. During game drives and helicopter excursions, we saw incredible terrain and wildlife.
The next four days were even more inspiring. At the Elephant Watch Camp, an eco-lodge that focuses on conservation, we had close encounters with elephants alongside researchers from Save the Elephants, a nearby charity that partners with the lodge. I was impressed by the technology they are using to protect elephants. GPS tracking, for example, provides valuable information on the animals’ habits, decisions, and needs. The trackers can even notify the Save the Elephants team when an elephant is threatened by poachers, allowing for a rapid response to help.

100 percent of the profits from the Save the Wild Collection are donated to the Wildlife Conservation Network.
Courtesy of Tiffany & Co.
As we spent time watching the animals closely, I felt their intelligence and compassion. I learned that, like humans, they have socially complex family units and can live as long as 90 years. They care for their young into their teens and even mourn their dead. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of elephants still die every year due to ivory poaching. This trip made me even more motivated to support wildlife conservation. I’m very proud to be working for a corporation that acts on its passions and beliefs.
>>Next: Foster a Love of Wildlife With These Family-Friendly Safaris