Shots from Behind the Scenes of AFAR’s October Cover Story

Shots from Behind the Scenes of AFAR’s October Cover Story

An embroidered Marsh Arab kilim

Photo by Dustin Aksland

Dreamweavers,” the stunning cover story for our October issue, followed writer Edward Readicker-Henderson on his quest for the perfect Turkish carpet. The accompanying images, shot by photographer Dustin Aksland, highlighted the delicate and intricate design that threads its way through Istanbul—from the famous carpets to the architecture. We took a look at some of the outtakes that were too good to keep to ourselves and featured them on our Instagram account, @afarmedia. See the full collection of outtakes below—and be sure to check out @afarmedia for more outtakes and behind-the-scenes features with #afarouttakes.

Photo by Dustin Aksland

Carpets of all sizes can be spotted around Istanbul—even at teatime.

Photo by Dustin Aksland

Do you see a common thread (get it?) between Turkish architecture and intricate carpets?

Photo by Dustin Aksland

This stunning shot was a close contender for the October cover.

Photo by Dustin Aksland

Believe it or not, Dustin Aksland shot “Dreamweavers” with a broken collarbone. That’s some serious dedication.

It’s no secret that we at AFAR love kahvalti, the classic Turkish breakfast.
During his 17-hour days, Dustin had to make several coffee runs – including to this café in the trendy Karakoy neighborhood, the “SoHo of Istanbul.”
Be sure to pick up the October issue of AFAR for the full “Dreamweavers” experience, on newsstands now!
>> Next: Our ultimate guide to Istanbul

Maggie Fuller is a San Francisco–based but globally oriented writer driven to provoke multicultural worldviews as a multimedia journalist. She covers sustainability, responsible travel, and outdoor adventure.