We humans have an unfortunate tendency to be shortsighted: to think only about the here and now. Tomorrow’s problems? They can be dealt with tomorrow. People and places outside of my normal sphere? Not my concern. Intellectually we know that what happens on the other side of the globe can have a profound impact on us and that our own actions have far-reaching consequences. We say we don’t want to pass the world’s problems on to our children. But we don’t always act that way.
We launched AFAR in part because we believe that inspiring, guiding, and enabling people to travel in a deeper way makes it more likely that those people will see beyond themselves and act for the greater good.

Our honorees include M. Sanjayan, who has dedicated his life to protecting nature and wildlife. Here, Suyian, the first orphaned calf to arrive at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary in Kenya, is comforted by keeper Mary Lengees.
Photo by Ami Vitale
The world of travel is full of people doing just that. In our November/December 2018 issue, we honor our third annual class of the AFAR Travel Vanguard. These nine people are creating better travel experiences, improving the way the travel industry operates, and making the world a richer place to explore. Our honorees include M. Sanjayan, who has dedicated his life to protecting nature, which sustains life and livelihoods; Kevin Dallas, who has stood up for gay rights in Bermuda; Evita Robinson, who has inspired thousands of millennials of color to travel; and José Andrés, the world-renowned chef who has done so much to help feed people in the wake of natural disasters. All the members of our Travel Vanguard look beyond the here and now and try to shape a better world for the next generation. We offer them our sincere gratitude and hope their efforts inspire you!
>> Next: AFAR’s 2018 Travel Vanguard: The Visionaries Who Are Transforming the Industry