“Black travel is not a monolith,” wrote Dr. Alana Dillette and Dr. Stefanie Benjamin in 2021, referencing the findings of their comprehensive study into Diversity in Travel. As codirectors of Tourism RESET, an initiative dedicated to promoting social equity in the travel and tourism space, Dillette and Benjamin partnered with Evita Robinson, founder of BIPOC travel community Nomadness Travel Tribe, to explore both the immense spending power of Black travelers—and the missed opportunities. “Black travelers are seeking authenticity, not only in their experiences while traveling, but also in the depth of representation across media. .... Destinations, travel brands, and tourism companies need to further explore the intersectionality of what it means to be Black.”
Here at AFAR, we celebrate the myriad stories and voices of Black travelers all year long. Yes, Black History Month begins today, but the legacy can’t be contained to one narrative in one month.