Away Now Makes Outdoor Gear Like Duffels and Backpacks

Everyone’s go-to company for hard-shell spinners just released its first line of durable duffels and backpacks made with water- and abrasion-resistant recycled materials.

Away Now Makes Outdoor Gear Like Duffels and Backpacks

Away’s new For All Routes collection includes durable duffels and backpacks designed for the outdoors.

Courtesy of Away

Known for its colorful hard-shell spinners, Away is branching out with a new line of travel bags and accessories designed specifically for the outdoors using durable water- and abrasion-resistant recycled materials. The For All Routes (or F.A.R with no third period, per Away) line of duffels and backpacks are now a permanent part of Away’s lineup. That means you can expect new colors and designs released the same way Away launches new hard-shell luggage seasonally.

The first F.A.R collection features eight items, including duffel bags, backpacks, totes, organizational pouches, and packing cubes. Like any other Away release, you have a lot of colors to choose from, too. There are classic Away colors like black, navy, white, and a dark green that match its hard-shell suitcases. But our favorites are the brighter ones like “Vivid Blue,” “Red Orange,” and a neon green called “Atomic Celery” that will surely stand out whether you’re in the woods or at baggage claim.

The F.A.R Duffels come in three sizes (40L, 55L, and 70L) and are ideal for people who are looking for one large interior space to throw all their gear in. For compartmentalizers, the F.A.R Convertible Backpack is carry-on size and has all the pockets—laptop, small essentials, etcetera—your heart desires. The tote and messenger bag are great for carrying essentials for a day at the beach or a shorter hike, while the packing cubes and pouches are designed to keep your items organized within the larger bags in the collection.

In terms of sustainability, the body of each bag is made with 100 percent recycled polyester, while the zippers, mesh, and webbing are also made with 100 percent recycled materials. In addition to being sustainable, this material is also very lightweight (the heaviest item is just 3.32 pounds). While we haven’t been able to put them through rigorous testing yet, Away maintains that the bags are water- and abrasion-resistant and they do appear durable. However, at first glance, the material is thinner than similar bags made by the North Face or Yeti using heavier ballistic nylon.

The eight-piece collection launched on June 28 online and in person at Away’s 13 brick-and-mortar stores in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. For more on each item in the new collection, read on:


Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 45L Convertible Backpack

  • Buy Now: $220,
  • Best for: Trips up to five days
  • Weight: 3.32 pounds
  • Size: 21.7 x 13.6 x 9.5 inches (carry-on compliant)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green
  • Features: Exterior 15-inch laptop compartment; convertible backpack straps

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 40L Duffel

  • Buy Now: $150,
  • Best for: Trips up to four days
  • Weight: 2.3 pounds
  • Size: 12.2 x 21.7 x 9.8 inches (carry-on compliant)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green, Atomic Celery
  • Features: Trolley strap to secure to suitcase handle; interior mesh pocket for valuables

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 55L Duffel

  • Buy Now: $170,
  • Best for: Trips up to seven days
  • Weight: 2.8 pounds
  • Size: 10.2 x 25.6 x 11 inches (checked bag)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green, Atomic Celery, Navy, White, Red Orange
  • Features: Trolley strap to secure to suitcase handle; convertible backpack straps; interior compression straps

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 70L Duffel

  • Buy Now: $190,
  • Best for: Trips for seven days or longer
  • Weight: 3 pounds
  • Size: 15.7 x 27.5 x 11.8 inches (checked bag)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green, Atomic Celery, Red Orange
  • Features: Trolley strap to secure to suitcase handle; convertible backpack straps; interior compression straps

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 16L Messenger

  • Buy Now: $80,
  • Best for: Carrying your daily essentials
  • Weight: 0.95 pound
  • Size: 11.8 x 15 x 3.2 inches
  • Available colors: Navy, Atomic Celery, White
  • Features: Zippered pockets for valuables; adjustable strap

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R 45L Tote

  • Buy now: $140,
  • Best for: Carrying a day’s worth of essentials for picnics or beach trips
  • Weight: 1.77 pounds
  • Size: 14.8 x 23.6 x 9 inches
  • Available colors: Black, Navy, Green, Red Orange
  • Features: Exterior and interior pockets to keep your phone and other valuables safe.

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R Pouch

  • Buy now: $25-$35,
  • Best for: Toiletries or emergency snacks
  • Weight: 0.8 to 1.4 ounces
  • Sizes: Small (0.5 gallon), Medium (0.7 gallon), Large (2 gallons)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green, Navy, Atomic Celery, White, Red Orange
  • Features: Side handle; clip that attaches to the exterior daisy chains on F.A.R bags

Courtesy of Away

F.A.R Organizational Cubes

  • Buy now: $30–$45,
  • Best for: Organizing your clothes, underwear, or keeping shoes separate in your bag
  • Weight: 1.8 to 4.4 ounces
  • Sizes: Small (1.4 gallons), Medium (2.6 gallons), Large (3.4 gallons), Extra Large (6.6 gallons)
  • Available colors: Black, Vivid Blue, Green
  • Features: Top handle; bottom zipper to compress items

>> Next: Best Weekend Bags for a Quick Getaway

Lyndsey Matthews covers travel gear, packing advice, and points and loyalty.
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