1. The Great Pyramids and the Giza Plateau
The site of some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, the Giza Plateau includes a complex of ancient Egyptian royal mortuary and sacred structures including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. Giza has always been a focal point in Egypt’s history due to its location near Memphis, the ancient Pharaonic capital of the Old Kingdom. If you visit it with Archaeological Paths you can watch the sunrise without crowds of tourists. The guards will open the gate just for you, so you can enter the magical site as it emerges at dawn and the monuments glow in the morning light.
You will be able to enter the Great Pyramid (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu), the only one of the seven wonders of the world that still remains. Imagine this magnificent and enormous structure while the sun is rising, when it is all quiet, and the pyramid is there just for you. Only Archaeological Paths guests can explore all three of the pyramid’s known chambers—a subterranean one, the Queen’s Chamber, and the King’s Chamber. The subterranean chamber, closed to the public, is cut into the bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was left unfinished. The so-called Queen’s Chamber and King’s Chamber are higher up within the pyramid. Just like the subterranean chamber, the Queen’s Chamber is closed to tourists—though open to guests of Archaeological Paths. You’ll have as much time as you want to admire all three of them.
Leszek Wesolowski
2. The Great Sphinx
When you step out of the Pyramid of Khufu the sun will have already started its journey through the sky. Facing east towards the rising sun, the Great Sphinx is one of antiquity’s most famous, and breathtaking sites. For more than 4,500 years, this mysterious creature has silently surveyed the plateau. As you approach the Great Sphinx enclosure, you will find Dr. Zahi Hawass, who has been crucial to efforts to preserve ancient Egypt’s oldest monument, waiting for you between the animal’s paws. As tourists begin to arrive, the guests of Archaeological Paths will have the Sphinx to themselves. This, one of the most magical sites in the world, is reserved for you only. It is one of many sites that, thanks to special permissions from the Egyptian government, is open only to guests of Archaeological Paths on its Royal Egypt Tour.

3. The Tombs of the Pyramid Builders
This active excavation site is yet another amazing place closed to the tourists and open only to travelers on the Royal Egypt Tour. You will meet Dr. Hawass who will share the tale of one of his most impressive discoveries, and then act as your personal guide to the site. Dr. Tarek El-Awady (a leading Egyptologist), explains the significance of this highlight of the Royal Egypt Tour: “People used to come to Egypt and visit the Pyramids of Giza, and they had many questions: How did the ancient Egyptians build them? Who were the people responsible for their construction? They left the sites without learning the answers. But thanks to Archaeological Paths you will learn the story behind the structures when you visit the Tombs of the Pyramid Builders. It is closed to the public, no one can enter—except for travelers on the Royal Egypt Tour.”

4. The Luxor Temple
There are hundreds of temples in Egypt. This is one of the most beautiful and is at its most magical when you visit it in the evening on the Royal Egypt Tour. The entire complex is lit up just for Archaeological Paths’ guests. At night, when there are no other tourists around, you’ll experience this majestic site with its tremendous obelisks and columns in the company of Egypt’s leading archaeologist. Dr. Zahi Hawass will reveal the secrets of this place to you and make your visit to this magic place that much more memorable.
You can explore these ancient sites, and many others, with Dr. Zahi Hawass only on Archaeological Paths’ Royal Egypt Tour. He and his team will share stories of how the sites were built and the equally fascinating tales of their rediscovery and conservation. If you are ready to experience Egypt on this unforgettable adventure, contact Archaeological Paths at 917-719-1974 or by e-mail at contact@archaeologicalpaths.com.