Sophie Howarth

AFAR Contributor

I am an artist, writer and activist. My work is about deepening connection to ourselves, one another and the wider web of life, and is rooted in the belief that justice and joy go hand in hand.

Across an eclectic career spanning the arts, activism, social enterprise and government, I have been committed to developing, and helping others develop, more imaginative responses to our most urgent concerns.

I was the co-founder of The School of Life and founder of Dept Store for the Mind. I have also been Head of Education and Research at iniva, Curator of Public Programmes at Tate Modern, and a Special Advisor on Social Action in the Number 10 Policy Unit.

For over a decade I was Faculty Lead at at Year Here, supporting hundreds of young people to find innovative ways to tackle inequality in the UK. I have also been Lead Trainer at Sister Stories and Active Hope, London as well as a long-time facilitator of The Work That Reconnects.

My main focus for 2022 is setting up a retreat house on the Glenelg peninsula in Wester Ross where some of those most unfairly impacted by the Covid pandemic and cost of living crisis can experience the healing powers of nature.

I am the author of several books including The Mindful Photographer, Street Photography Now and Family Photography Now. I have commissioned and created many other books and often collaborate with artists and photographers in making beautiful publications. Recent projects have included One Hundred Years and Hackney Studios (both with Jenny Lewis) and Great Interactions (with Polly Braden).

I am supported by spiritual practices that emphasise insight, presence and compassion, and offer my creativity in service to all life on earth.

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