Juliet Williams

AFAR Contributor

Juliet A. Williams is Professor of Gender Studies and Chair of the UCLA Social Science Interdepartmental Program. She holds a B.A. in Government from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University. Professor Williams’ research and teaching specializations include feminist theory, masculinities studies, gender and the law, gender and education, and feminist cultural studies. Her most recent book is The Separation Solution?: Single-Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality (University of California Press, 2016). She is contributing co-editor of Public Affairs: Politics in the Age of Sex Scandals, and her scholarly articles have appeared in journals including Signs, Gender & Society, Law & Society Review, Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, and Political Research Quarterly. Currently she is working on a multi-year project exploring the concept of gender neutrality in U.S. law, the media and activism.

Professor Williams is the Chair of the UCLA Master of Social Science Program. She also serves as Faculty Director of the UCLA Quarter in Washington Program and is Faculty Co-Lead of the Mellon UCLA Data Justice Initiative.

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