Heather Balogh Rochfort

AFAR Contributor

Hey there! I’m Heather Balogh Rochfort.

I’m a mountain-living Colorado freelance journalist, author, educator, and online personality who took a tiny travel blog and snowballed it into an award-winning writing career built on the outdoor adventures I hold close to my heart. With five book contracts to my name and bylines in publications like The Washington Post, Men’s Journal, Outside, Backpacker, and Afar magazine, I’ve carved out my niche as an established adventure writer.

Let’s be real: it wasn’t the smoothest of rides. No one teaches you how to become a freelance writer so I spent the better part of a decade figuring out how to land my dream career. I worked in public relations. I taught ski school and CrossFit and Special Olympics track. I taught middle school Spanish. I even spent a decade managing my family’s landscaping business while working on my freelance side hustle.

But then, our daughter arrived in this world. I knew I wanted two things: more income and more time at home with her. It was time to leap and I’ve never looked back.

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